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Fiber Art North East Galleries
Who What Wear

Who, What, Wear, explores the idea of “garments” as conceptual art. 


Conceptual Art is art in which the idea or concept presented by the artist is considered more important than the finished art object. It proclaims itself to be an art of the mind rather than the senses. It is characterized by the use of different media and supports, along with a variety of temporary, found and everyday materials.


We challenged ourselves to create Conceptual Art with fiber and/or fiber techniques where the idea behind the art is as important or more important than the finished work.

IMG_1237 2.HEIC
In Zombnia Exhibit

The following poem by Ashley Mackey was the inspiration for this exhibit.

I tossed.                                             Round up those sheep                 On my side

I turned.                                             Provide a fence                          One leg bent

I puffed my pillow.                               A deep breath in                        And one leg out.

How many turns to go?                        Then let it out.                             On my back

                                                         Where ARE those sheep?             Legs scissored now.

Blankets on                                         Please, don't shout!                     Turn to the left,

Blankets off                                                                                          Turn to the right.

first I'm hot                                          My pillow's warm                       Do-si-do, no Zs tonight?                                                      Now I'm cold.                                      I flip it 'round                             At last!

                                              Now I've got it                           My pillow's soft

One arm up                                         I'm going down.                         No longer brick

One arm down                                     No such luck                              Blankets n' body temps in sync

Off to the side                                      Try fetal please                            And mattress one big cloud...,

Keep moving around                             Oh my god                                 I drift down to that peaceful place,

(Make and octopus proud).                    I've got to pee.                            To dream..., and as I do ---

                                                                                                            Sunbeams hit my face.

Count up by threes

Count down by nines

Count one to a hundred

Thirteen times.

Hidden Message Exhibit

Fifteen beautiful quilts which hide a word, an idea, a hope or a story for the viewer to find.  If the message is not found, the viewer can open the folded label to reveal the message.

4 x 12 Exhibit

Fiber art created with a wide variety of techniques and mounted onto 4" x 12" panelboards.

website © 2022 by Jane Davila

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